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Over-Deliver: Success Is Found In Going The Extra Mile

Over-Deliver: Success Is Found In Going The Extra Mile

A simple message from my father has been the driving force behind everything I’ve been blessed to do in my life. He gave me my first lesson on what it means to become truly successful, even though I didn’t realize it at the time.

A true blue collar man, my father worked as a welder at an automotive factory but he was also an entrepreneur. He owned a trash-hauling company and entrusted his sons with helping him to run the business.

On one of my first days it was so cold outside that I darted from trash barrel to trash barrel. I emptied them as fast as I could and sprinted back to the warm truck. As I was about to shut the truck’s door, I felt a hand snatch me back into the cold. It was my dad. He pointed out that in my haste, I had missed several pieces of trash still lying frozen in a sheet of ice on the ground. He quickly handed me an ice shovel and told me to remove the trash.

“If you do this job halfway, you will be a half way basketball player and do things halfway in life,” he warned.

It was in that instant that I learned one of the greatest lessons I would ever learn: Follow through on what you do every day. My father’s insight taught me that success is often attained by doing the little things. I like to call this over-delivering. Over-delivering means going the extra mile to make sure things are done the right way. This is a core value that I live by in life and in business. Over-delivering can be the difference between being great and being legendary.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention another powerful message I received from a business mentor I consulted with early in my career. JJ Bruce Llewellyn advised me to become a catalyst for change in the world. This always stuck with me. I believe in this ideal so much that I have made it the mission of my business, Magic Johnson Enterprises.

It is my personal mission to continue to over-deliver to my partners and investors while creating meaningful opportunities for the community. This guiding principle is what I truly believe in and has been the chief reason for my success as a businessman. I hope that this platform enables you to gain valuable insights and ultimately helps to sculpt your vision of how you, too, will become a catalyst for change.


Earvin "Magic" Johnson
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Magic Johnson Enterprises

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